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The interview went really well, your resume was flawless and you just know you’re going to get a job offer, right? Two days pass, then three and before you know, it’s been a week. Maybe they lost your contact information and are hoping you’ll call them so they can explain how grateful they are you got in touch with them? Maybe it’s a test to see which candidates are willing to do whatever it takes? Climb out of your fantasy world. That never happens. Ever. And to answer the question of should you call, the answer is an absolute, positively negative. Not today, not tomorrow and not next Tuesday.

What would you say? What could you possibly say that your cover letter and resume hasn’t said for you? “Uh…yeah, I interviewed with you …uh….let’s see…three days ago? Yeah, three days ago and I hate to bother you, but I just wanted to see which way you’re leaning in terms of who you might hire.” That’s going to get the job, right? Do you feel the awkward pause? What now? “Oh, OK. Well, I don’t want to keep you….just wanted to be sure you know I’m still interested.” Or, if you’re bold enough (and this is never the right time to flex your ability to be bold), you could say, “Oh. So when are you going to select?” You’re sure to receive an answer, but it’s quite unlikely you’ll receive the answer you’re hoping for. A. Harrison Barnes, founder of and professional career coach, says, “A phone call, even if it plays out far better than this scenario, is only going to distract the interviewer, who likely has an overload of resumes to sort through and interviews to survive. You’re just not going to do yourself any favors by invading his time at this point.” Honestly, he’s probably going to be aggravated that you even called and even if you were being considered, this could be the deal breaker. Is it really worth the risk?

Instead, says A. Harrison Barnes, “Your best bet is to send a gracious thank you card. Keep it simple, professional and be sure your personal note is handwritten.” Remind the interviewer you appreciate his time; and, of course, now’s the time to reiterate your continued interest in the company and specifically, the position you interviewed for. End the thank you note with, “Again, I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.” Sign it with “sincerely” and your name. It’s important to do this within a day of the interview. Even if you don’t get the job, you’ve left the employer with a favorable impression, which could serve you well in the future. In the meantime, continue to browse the many available positions found on This perfect job you’re waiting to hear back from may pale in comparison to the next interview; and who knows, it could be the next one is truly the perfect one.

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