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As more beaches become stained with the gooey and strongly scented tar balls and sheets of crude oil along the gulf coast, both BP and local governments are scrambling to ensure enough workers are on the clocks so that the clean up efforts don’t become so overwhelming that the remaining tourists who haven’t cancelled their vacation plans remain committed to visiting the golden Gulf Coast and all of its beautiful beaches.

In late June, Pensacola Florida officials announced the worst so far, in terms of oil coverage, is now appearing on the beaches that define the beautiful city that’s always attracted summer vacationers.  A. Harrison Barnes, career coach and founder of reiterates what both the Coast Guard and the local mayors are saying, “It’s going to be a long and slow dance that Mother Nature leads”.  For now, though, it appears there were will more than a few jobs available for those wishing to play a role.  While no local municipalities are willing to discuss salaries and hourly rates, BP will shoulder the costs eventually.

Pensacola’s officials are bringing in heavy equipment in its efforts of ridding the beach of the mess and as a result, there is a sudden need for those who know how to operate this heavy machinery.  There are many who live along the coast and who are more than capable of operating the backhoes and other equipment; however, with recent news of construction companies beginning their hiring processes again, along with many choosing to work on the water in an effort to contain the oil before it makes landfall, the founder says there is currently a shortage of those qualified to pick up the slack.  This is a win-win for a lot of people.  For those in other areas of the country who are looking for work, this could mean great pay on the beaches, soiled though they are, in the warm Gulf Coast sun.  For those subcontractors looking for experienced help, knowing it’s on the way allows everyone to take a step back as more bad news rolls in.

Because this is an unprecedented event, no one knows how long these jobs will exist; however, A. Harrison Barnes reiterates the environmental factors and says no one – whether it’s BP or the government – is going to be quick to declare complete recovery until there are absolutely no doubts.  This might take decades.   For now, though, it appears these jobs are going to offer plenty of overtime and likely, many seven day work weeks; still, it’s a solution many in the country have been looking for as they begin to rebuild their lives after the recession.  It’s important to note that the weather conditions along the coastal areas are incredibly hot and usually with 100% humidity.  For those who aren’t accustomed to this kind of heat and humidity, it’s likely to be a shock.  Health officials encourage out of state workers keep this in mind, especially those who may have health issues.

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