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One of the biggest issues for the veterinarians is the issue of malpractice lawsuits. The veterinary malpractice lawsuits are filed on the basis of the cases pertaining to negligent treatment of the animals. A veterinarian is said to have committed malpractice, if he fails to provide necessary standards of care to the ailing animals. In case a pet is not given necessary vaccinations, even though his physical condition is deteriorating, it can be said that the doctor has engaged in malpractice. There have been several cases where the conditions of the animals have deteriorated due to medical negligence on the part of the veterinarian.

The CEO of LawCrossing, A. Harrison Barnes has pointed out to three grounds on the basis of which you can prove that your pet has been a victim of veterinary malpractice. In case the vet did not take necessary measures or give much attention to the physical condition of the animal. In this case, you might require qualified testimony from other vets and gather necessary information about the fact that your vet failed to keep up to the necessary standards of medical practice. The cause of the injury of the pet may be due to the negligence of the vets. You can sue your vets on the grounds of malpractice, if you feel that the injuries sustained by your pet, has been the result of the vet’s malpractice. Apart from showing the traces of injury, it is also important that the owner of the pet is successful in proving that the negligence on part of the doctor has lead to further deterioration of the condition of the pet.

A. Harrison Barnes has pointed out to several conditions under which the veterinarians can claim defense:

In some of the states there is prevalence of “Good Samaritan” laws, under which a vet while performing emergency operations are not required to keep up to the normal standards of treatment. The emergency cases are grouped under special cases. The vets, who have helped an animal from the accident site, may be saved from the malpractice claims. The malpractice claims against the vets must be brought about within a stipulated time frame. In case the stipulated time crosses without a lawsuit being filed. The vet cannot be sued no matter how negligent or wrong he was. This procedure is called the statute of limitations. The claims pertaining to this statute varies from one country to another. The claims for this statute are shorter when compared to other personal injury claims.

Incase the owner of the pet feels that his pet has been neglected, do not hesitate to contact a lawyer. The professional, qualified and knowledgeable lawyers will assist you in evaluating your case and offer you legal advice says the CEO of, A. Harrison Barnes. The lawyers will represent your case in the law courts and help you to fight for your rights. The laws and proceedings relating to animal laws vary from state to state. The cases filed help you to recover the market value of the pets. However there are changes made in some state laws that help to recognize special bonds between the owner and the pet.

If the owner of the pet feels that the pet has been injured owing to the negligence of the vet, the first thing that the owner must do is go up to the vet and ask him about what went wrong. In case the owner is not satisfied with the explanation provided seek a second opinion from another animal doctor or vet. Even after seeking a second opinion if you feel that your doctor was guilty of negligence, ask him to cancel the bills, make payments for the funeral and arrange for the alternate surgeries that may be needed. A. Harrison Barnes further says that incase your vet does not agree to compensate for the negligence, seek help from a lawyer.

A. Harrison Barnes states that it is always better to seek legal advice. The pets are legally clasped under the category of “simple property”. Under these particular cases, that court arranges compensations for special damages. The legal courts require that you prove that the veterinarian owed certain amount of responsibility towards the owner and the pet. Apart from this he must prove that it was the negligence of the vet that caused injuries to the pets. The owner must be prepared for the emotional, complicated and prolong taxing Legal Process. The vet while looking after a pet is required to exercise caution, reasonable skill and diligence.

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